Arthritis and osteoarthritis, a disease affecting the joints. They are the cause of the pain when driving, greatly reduce the quality of life. Arthritis and osteoarthritis is the difference? To understand, than differs from the arthritis, of osteoarthritis need to know the general characteristics, the characteristics and the evolution of the risk factors for each disease.

That happens in arthritis?
When this disease is developed to become a inflammatory process affects the whole body. The causes of the development of the disease can be infections (infectious), trauma (injury), autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis).
When the arthritis in the body shows all the signs of inflammation:
- Increase in body temperature, fever;
- The increase in protein in the blood immunoglobulin, c-reactive protein;
- May be accompanied by another inflammatory process not previously identified.
What happens in osteoarthritis?
Osteoarthritis is a disease caused by the breakdown of cartilage. The inflammatory process when it is localized only in the joint cavity, is a consequence of the deformation of the joint. Following the increase in the stress on the connection, due to the age, after an injury that can lead to bone deformities pieces, the friction between the surfaces of the joint. The result is thinning and the deformation of the cartilage.

When this disease in the body, there is little sign of inflammation:
- The increase of the local temperature (only in the area of the affected joint);
- The chemistry and total blood tests in the standard;
- Occurs when the deformation of the cartilage, is not accompanied by other inflammation.
The similarities and differences of the diseases.
The two diseases have both similarities and differences. The main similarity of the arthritis and osteoarthritis – symptoms:
- The crunching, squeaking when moving;
- Of the pain;
- The limitations of the mobility;
- Swelling, redness in the area of the affected joint.
However, the difference between arthritis and osteoarthritis more important than the resemblance.
- The age. Osteoarthritis is a disease that affects people the most aged, and the elderly. It is related to the age of the degradation of the cartilage in the joints. Arthritis is more common in youth is the result of a long, infectious, infection, inflammation in the body.
- The localization process. Osteoarthritis develops only in the joint under the action of risk factors (age, frequent overload, excess weight, etc). Arthritis affects the whole body, can cause an increase in the temperature of the body, the heat.
- The sensation of pain. With osteoarthritis, pain in the extremities occurs when the movement is of a permanent nature with the development of the disease. Arthritis occurs in acute, constant pain.
- The deformation of the joint. When osteoarthritis bony components of the connection subjected to a deformation due to the degradation of the cartilage. Arthritis does not cause changes of the articular surfaces of the bones.
- The loss of motor function of the joint. The progression of osteoarthritis leads to constraints of movement gradually. The arthritis restricts the movement in the acute phase of the disease.
The difference in the causes of arthritis and osteoarthritis, common causes.
In order to better understand the difference between the two diseases, arthritis and osteoarthritis – it is necessary to know the causes of their appearance.
The causes of arthritis are often:
- Infection (viral, bacterial, fungal);
- Allergies, auto-immune diseases.
The main conditions for the development of osteoarthritis:
- The overload of the joint (type of activity, excess weight);
- An age of the degradation of the cartilage.
In addition, a number of reasons for the two diseases:
- Injuries;
- Violations of metabolic processes in the body;
- Deficiencies in vitamins and minerals;
- Congenital Malformations of the bone and cartilage.
The difference in the symptoms of the disease.
Signs of arthritis and osteoarthritis vary according to the nature, the degree of severity, the time of occurrence.
The symptoms |
Arthritis |
Osteoarthritis |
1. An increase of the temperature | The high body temperature to 38-39C | Can be local, an increase of the temperature in the area of the affected joint |
2. Pockets | The soft tissues around the joint and swelling immediately | The edemas appear on the 3 stages of the disease |
3. Stiffness in the morning | Occurs throughout the body | Occurs only in ravaged by the connection |
4. The loss of motor function | Only during the acute phase of the disease | Develops gradually, resulting in ankylosis (the lack of movement in the joint) |
5. The change of the shape of the joint | Does not occur | Happens |
6. The nature of the pain | Acute, constant, increases during the night | Pulling, dull, occurs when the movements, more in the morning. |
Because of the similarity of symptoms occurs a necessity in the differential diagnosis.
The diagnosis of the disease.
The good, the diagnosis allows the time to distinguish between arthritis, osteoarthritis and prescribe an appropriate treatment. The main methods of diagnosis of diseases of the joints remain the same:
- X-ray;
- Ultrasound of the connection;
- General, the biochemical analysis of blood;
- Arthroscopy.
The disease |
The diagnosis |
X-rays |
A blood test |
Arthroscopy |
Osteoarthritis |
The decrease of the joint space, irregularities of the cartilage. In intra-articular fluid are present as pollutants. | The change of the anatomical shape of the joint, the presence of osteophytes (bony outgrowths), the cartilage tissue is thin, irregular. Inside the slot articular reduced. | The absence of signs of inflammation – the main difference is for osteoarthritis, arthritis. | Osteophytes, cartilage degradation, the reduction of the gap between the bony structures of the connection. |
Arthritis |
Sinovialnye shell cartilage uneven, the presence of an inflammatory exudate in the joint cavity (pus). | A minor of osteoporosis, the softening of bone tissue. | The c-reactive protein, improve the level of the alpha-, beta-globulins, the appearance of immunoglobulins in the blood, increased erythrocyte SEDIMENTATION rate. Increases the amount of uric acid, in some cases, anemia (decreased hemoglobin). | The appearance of erosions on the cartilage and the bone tissue, protrusion of the synovial membrane of the joint. |
The characteristics of treatment of arthritis and osteoarthritis.
The treatment of arthritis and osteoarthritis is a little different, it is in:
- The removal of the pain and the inflammation.
- The maintenance of the cartilage of the connection.
- The recovery of the motor function of the joint.
- The prevention of relapse (repetition).
The only difference in the treatment of arthritis is the prescription of antibiotics, antiviral and antifungal funds, which is not prescribed with osteoarthritis. Doctors usually prescribe penicillins, cephalosporins, and aminoglycosides.

Acute Exacerbations of the disease with a treatment at the hospital.To relieve the pain and inflammation are appointed by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, indomethacin). Are appointed to the ointment on the basis of these drugs (Fastum gel voltaren, dieppe relief). In the absence of results of treatment NSAIDS can replace an injection of a corticosteroid into the capsule of the connection.
Support the cartilage of joints help the preparations of hyaluronic acid, hondroetina – hondroprotektory. They stop the degradation of the tissues of the joint, to begin the process of regeneration. The course of their reception last 1 to 10 months, depending on the stage of the disease.
The lack of results of conservative treatment and therapy may be the cause of the assignment operation. The more often spend re arthroscopy, during which the cavity of the joint, away the inflammatory exudate, pieces of cartilage, blood clots. During the latter stages of the deformation of the connection pass stents (replacing the artificial joint), osteotomy (cutting of a deformation of the bony structures).

In addition, doctors prescribe physiotherapy and physiotherapy.
- Laser, magnetic, ultrasound therapy;
- The electrophoresis;
- Massage;
- Bath (sludge, salt);
- Reflexology (acupuncture).
The therapy takes place only in the conditions of the establishment, under the supervision of a doctor-physiotherapist. It allows you to control the intensity of the load on the joints, the correctness of performance of exercises.
The prevention of arthritis and osteoarthritis.
Protect the joints, you can by following a few simple rules:
- The load on the connections must be moderate. Excess weight, frequent workouts with heavy weights will create hazardous for the connection of the overload. In addition, the risk of injury increases many times.
- Good, balanced diet. The daily diet must include all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Insufficient nutrition it is important to take dietary supplements, vitamins, and mineral complexes.
- Women should refuse frequent wearing of high-heeled shoes. Every inch of the heel increases the load on the spine up to 10 kg on their knees 20.
- Do not expose the joints of the hypothermia. Arthritis, unlike osteoarthritis, is a result of the infection, the low temperatures favour its spread in the body.
Arthritis and osteoarthritis can become a serious problem in the active life of man, regardless of age. The pain and stiffness in the limbs, greatly reduces the quality of life, become the cause of the loss of the integrity of the disability. It is important to understand what are the differences between the disease, the time of referral to a specialist, he will hold the differential diagnosis, say, to treat arthritis and osteoarthritis.